CLUB:OVISATION: 30års-special!

Efter att ha legat på is i drygt ett år tar nu Club:ovisation några försiktiga stapplande steg. Anledningen till nystarten är att jag fick ett erbjudande jag inte kunde motstå. Tomas Dabrowski fyller 30 och ska spela 30 solokonserter i 30 olika städer. För kul för att inte vara en del av!

Spelar gör
Tomas Dabrowski (PL) Solo
Vilhelm Bromander/Christer Bothen (SE) duo
Moritz Köther/Mia Dyberg (DE,DK) duo

Tomas Dabrowski
"There are few moments in a persons life, when things change once and for all, one of those is turning 30 at least for me ... simply because I recently turned 30 and for the first time in my life I can feel time is going by faster and faster.... Instead of thinking about past, I'm looking into the future trying new things, looking for another unopened door. Playing solo is most definitely THE most challenging 'setting' I could think of. I decided to give myself a present and celebrate my 'getting older' state of mind, with 30 solo concerts in 30 cities in various countries. Only trumpet and mutes, no electronics or amps, no other members on the bandstand."





80/60 kr (studerande och medlemmar)


Medlemsproduktion: Vilhelm Bromander


Endast kortbetalning