A little bit Wet n a little bit Wild


A little bit Wet n a little bit Wild

Come and witness our experiment with two new performers, Ellen and Tove, borrowing pavle’s score and executing it directly from the script.

The piece investigates the live situation on stage, the dancing and the performing itself. The performers take on a tricky negotiation between principles, agreements, anarchy and joy. At first sight A little bit Wet n a little bit Wild take on the appearance of a traditional tamed dance performance, but slowly other dimensions and agendas emerge.

After the showing we welcome you to hang out, have some snacks and drinks, and join us for a conversation.

Dancers: Tove Salmgren, Ellen Söderhult, Sanna Söderholm, Elinor Tollerz Bratteby
Choreographer: Sanna Söderholm
Costume: Anna Kjellsdotter (concept by UC)
Music: Jeff Mills
Supported by: Kulturrådet, Stockholm Stad, Region Stockholm, Site Sweden, Hallen/ccap in Farsta, Fylkingen, Köttinspektionen, Dans i Blekinge, Skeppsholmsstudion, among many others.

THANK YOU to colleagues, pioneers and dance gurus for inspiration and material. We celebrate your work.
Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, Ina Christel Johannessen, Jefta van Dinther, Ingri Fiksdal, Margareta Åsberg, Shen Tuggz, Anna Grip, Cristina Caprioli, Charles Moore, Martha Graham, Per Jonsson, Frédéric Gies, Deborah Hay, Linnea Martinsson, Olivia Newton-John, Ohad Naharin, Adilock, Billy Goodson, Matt Mattox, Hanna Strandberg, JUCK, Isadora Duncan, Sebastian Lingserius, Malin Elgán, Pina Bausch, Carola/Dan Malmer, Bob Fosse, Merce Cunningham and many more.

Entrance: Voluntary donation to Ukraine.

Medlemsproduktion: Sanna Söderholm