FYLKINGEN press release 16 September 2022

FYLKINGEN press release 16 September 2022

Landlord terminates Münchenbryggeriet lease as Fylkingen approaches its 90th anniversary.

Fylkingen — one of the oldest organisations of its kind in the world — has presented new music and experimental art at Münchenbryggeriet since 1986. The association was founded in 1933 and today consists of 300 Swedish and international artists who develop and present new work at the venue in Stockholm’s inner city.

Fylkingen has been negotiating with AFA Fastigheter (the landlord, a subsidiary of a private capital management company) for the last year about a renewal of the associations ten year lease. The initial proposal was to raise the rent from around 1 million Swedish Kronor per year to just under 1,5 million (€140k). Later iterations of the contract included clauses that would preclude Fylkingen from undertaking “noise generating activities” before 6pm which would effectively prevent it from delivering a core part of its function as a place for rehearsal and development, not to mention the regular programmes it delivers to children and young people. Fylkingen was first informed on September 9 that their lease would not be renewed and that they would have to vacate the premises by mid 2023.

Chairman of the board Lise-Lotte Norelius:
“This is about both cultural policy and urban planning. Fylkingen is not just a concert stage but a unique platform for the freedom experimental artistic work requires. Do we want a city centre that only has gyms and real estate agents?”

The list of ground breaking and influential events presented at Fylkingen is long — from the new chamber music of 1933 to visits from John Cage and the cream of the 60s avant-garde. Not content to rest on its celebrated history, Fylkingen continues to present adventurous programming that extends across music, dance and other experimental forms and usually presents more than 100 events each year. Extra events are also planned as the association approaches its 90 year anniversary in 2023.

Fylkingen’s operations are managed by an elected board, production group and its membership with financial support of the Swedish Arts Council, Region Stockholm and Stockholm City's cultural administration.